BBC EastEnders fans despair as they complain they are 'watching two different shows' as they slam it as 'disjointed'

EastEnders fans say they feel like they are watching two different shows as two current storylines seem to have very little crossover. Some viewers have said that the drama, which normally interlaces multiple storylines in an episode feels ‘disjointed’ as different plots seem to be being kept separate.
Taking to the EastEnders subreddit to vent their frustration with the way the show is currently structured. Titled: “The show feels a bit disjointed” the post reads: “I feel like we are watching two different shows. Some weeks we get Suki, Nish and Eve storylines alongside Stacey and Lilly storylines and Ravi's relationships.
“Then for the next two weeks it involves more of Lola, Jay, Keanu and Ravi's less romantic storylines. The only storylines that carry over the whole time is the Branning-Fox family.

“I feel like it would be better to be more cohesive with the show and combine them as (in my opinion) the weeks with Nish and Suki are much stronger and more interesting. Even if they alternated every week it would seem better, it really does feel like two shows!”
This is a sentiment that many in the comments of the post seemed to share with many agreeing that the show felt like plotlines would stop and start according to what a particular episode chose to focus on.
One commenter wrote: “I agree even if I enjoy the show mostly. The problem is block storytelling which makes the stories stop and start rather than multiple of them run concurrently like they should. It’s a problem with most of the soaps (especially Hollyoaks) at the moment because it’s easier to film this way but makes for a poorer show.

“The Fox-Brannings and Ravi are quite good as they seem immersed with the whole Square in comparison whilst other groups seem segregated. The sense of community has been good lately but hopefully the arrival of Knights connects everyone better if they are the last piece of Clenshaw's puzzle.”
This is echoed by other viewers that lament the shows inability to give depth to multiple storylines at the same time. “I agree but with so many characters and subplots it's impossible to give them all in depth coverage if we had, them all going all the time. Hence we get one storyline concentrated on for a week or so,” added another fan.
A third said: “I guess it's tricky with soaps to have proportional screen time/storylines for all characters. Some of it might be entirely acting schedule based or having to work around family emergencies and whatnot. Some of it might be simply because the writers think ‘we already have a whole week of this, maybe we'll switch to this.’”
Do you agree with these fans' assessment of the show? Let us know in the comments.
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