I banned my brother's girlfriend from my wedding after she made me pay £1,000 for a fancy London dinner

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I banned my brother's girlfriend from my wedding after she made me pay £1,000 for a fancy London dinner

A woman uninvited her brother's long term girlfriend to her wedding after she made her pay £1,000 for a swanky London dinner. Sarah shared the story on TikTok, where she explains that the girlfriend often made 'digs' at her and making her pay for this meal, that her brother previously agreed to pay for, was the final straw.

Sarah explains that the girlfriend had previously asked her to come to a party at her South Kensington flat, and do her friends makeup. Nobody offered her any money but as this was when she was starting out as a makeup artist she didn't mind.

That night, Sarah returned before the others and went to sleep on the sofa. When everyone got back the girlfriend began shouting at her for being on the couch and said "that sofa was more expensive than my car".

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Sarah says that her brother was unimpressed with how she spoke to me and she felt like "a seven year old child being banished". A few days later she received a text apologising and blaming it on the alcohol.

The TikToker adds: "I'm willing to let it go. I'm not that fussed."

Then, at a later date her brother invited her to Heston Blumenthal's restaurant as the friends he and his girlfriend were meant to go with pulled out. Sarah said: "My first reaction is absolutely not, I do not have that sort of money."

But, Sarah's brother offered to pay for her and her partner as a birthday treat so they eventually agree to go. She revealed: "The meal is out of this world but this girl is really grating on me."

She explains that she continued to make digs throughout the meal and as she gets drunker is getting meaner. The girlfriend then asks for the bill when both the men are outside smoking and splits it.

Sarah felt really awkward and ended up paying the £1000 bill as she didn't want to appear as a freeloader. But after this, she stops talking to her brother as she doesn't "want anything to do with this toxic relationship".

Sarah later gets engaged and despite not talking to her brother her parents invite all of her siblings. She wasn't aware that they had also said they could bring plus ones.

Twelve days before her big day she finds out and uninvited the girlfriend. Sarah said: "It causes a massive fuss because she's already bought her shoes and her hat... I really hope that she ended up wearing those Jimmy shoes somewhere nice."

Sarah concluded that it was the best thing she'd ever done as it led to her brother and his girlfriend to end the relationship and he is now happily married.

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