Tourist aghast to be charged £7 for 99 Flake in London with four costing £28

A tourist visiting London was absolutely horrified to be charged £7 for a 99 flake in the capital city recently. An illegal ice cream van has been asking customers to fork out almost double what you'd normally expect to pay for the cone.
Customers say it had been charging the inflated sum for an ice cream with a Flake – thought to be the priciest in the country, the Daily Star has reported. Tourist Joanna Szymbor says she was fleeced for nearly £30 for four of the cornets. She wrote online: "I feel ripped off. It was £28 for four ice creams.
"There were no prices displayed – I normally ask for a price but it was hot and we’d been sightseeing for eight hours. I paid thinking I heard it wrong. I’d already handed the ice cream to the kids so I didn’t want to be embarrassed."
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Another customer said: "The days where you’d get change from a pound for a 99 are long gone, but £7 has got to be the most expensive one ever. I know everything costs more in London but this is really taking the mick."
Officers from the Metropolitan Police swooped in on the illegal ice cream trader when they found out. The Met Police and Lambeth Council have now seized and impounded the van as it was operating without a licence and parked dangerously on a cycle lane, just yards from the Houses of Parliament.
A spokesperson for the Council said: "An unlicensed ice cream van trading on Westminster Bridge was seized by the council. Illegal traders take advantage of visitors, lack hygiene certificates and obstruct cyclists."
The Met Police Roads and Transports team tweeted: "The van will remain in the pound until the conclusion of the council-led court case."
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