Life on the hidden London street that looks like it is 1700 but is showing signs of gentrification
London is an ever-changing city with over a thousand years of history and often seems to take a life of its own. With this wealth of history at its disposal there are some areas which really feel like they can transport you back in time. They have been missed by the steamrollers of change and serve as homages to the lives that once roamed the same streets we do now. Ezra Street , just off the famous Columbia Road , is one of these places. And the East London location hasn't gone unnoticed by top film producers as it is regularly used in period films. Most recently, a very friendly Kate Winslet visited during the filming of Lee, according to local publican Grace Mpofu. Grace Mpofu works in The Royal Oak pub on the corner of Ezra Street and met Kate Winsley while she was filming for Lee outside the pub (Image: Facundo Arrizabalaga/MyLondon) Grace has worked at The Royal Oak on the corner of Ezra Street for the last four years and was thrilled to see the global su...