Hunt for suspect after 'man breaks child's jaw' in Enfield attack during walk home from school

Hunt for suspect after 'man breaks child's jaw' in Enfield attack during walk home from school

A man allegedly broke a child's jaw as he walked home from school in Enfield. The child was walking home alone when the attack happened at Kendal Parade and Derwent Avenue between 3pm and 4pm on Friday, December 6.

Police are appealing for witnesses following the attack which left the child needing hospital treatment. The attacker is described as a white male, around 20-25 years old of a stocky or chubby build, wearing a green tracksuit with his hood up.

He wore blue trainers, and may have been wearing blue gloves. It is believed that he is clean-shaven and that he spoke with a foreign accent.

A spokesperson said: "We are appealing for witnesses after a child was assaulted resulting in a broken jaw The attack happened on Friday 06th December 2024, between 3-4pm at Kendall Parade and Derwent Street, N18 The child was alone whilst walking home from school and required hospital treatment

"The suspect is described as a white male, around 20-25 years old, stocky/chubby build, wearing a green tracksuit with his hood up, blue trainers, and may have been wearing blue gloves. It is believed that he is clean-shaven, and that he spoke with a foreign accent."

If you have any information, please call the Met Police on 101 quoting reference number 6850/06DEC24. Alternatively, you can contact them on their website here.

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